are you the

Do you love to upcycle and show off your creations? You may be the Next Top Upcycler!
Next Top Upcycler is a worldwide virtual upcycle fashion competition to showcase the talents of those who love to turn old garments into new designs. Each episode will follow the journey of one upcycler as they complete the Ultimate Upcycle Challenge. After 9 episodes, viewers will vote to crown the Next Top Upcycler. The winner will receive a Dream Sewing Package worth over $800 usd.
For Season 2, all contestants will upcycle MENSWEAR and can make any type of wearable fashion item. Menswear in this competition includes men's dress wear like button up shirts, blazers, ties, etc. Each contestant has 5 days to complete their upcycle, must be able to meet with me virtually throughout a 1 week period (about 3 total hours), willing to show their upcycle space, and create video diaries (with their phone or camera) throughout the week.

To be a contestant you must be a subscriber of BlueprintDIY on YouTube. To be considered simply fill out and submit this application by September 11th, 11:59 pm CST. FYI - these are not trick questions. I want to hear your story and feel your personality shine through your responses. Also, include three pictures of your favorite upcycles. If you have trouble submitting your pictures through this form, please email your photos to
Nine applicants will be chosen as contestants for season 2 of Next Top Upcycler!
I can't wait to read your upcycle stories!